What foods can you eat if you are deaf and have tinnitus? What to pay attention to?

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Deafness and tinnitus have a great impact on our daily lives after the disease occurs, and this disease also has very strict daily dietary requirements for patients during the treatment process. We should usually learn more about some daily foods suitable for patients with deafness and tinnitus. food, so that the patient's body can recover as soon as possible.

What foods can be eaten if you are deaf and have tinnitus? What to pay attention to? What foods are good for deafness and tinnitus

1. People with deafness and tinnitus can usually supplement foods with protein and vitamins. When the human body lacks vitamin foods, especially vitamin D, it will cause the auditory cells in the ear to degenerate. In addition, vitamin deficiency can cause the hardness of red blood cells to increase, making it difficult for them to pass through peripheral blood vessels, causing auditory cells to become hypoxic and zinc deficient. Therefore, people with deafness and tinnitus can eat more foods containing vitamin D, iron, zinc and other elements. , you can choose lean meat, fungus, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.

2. People who are deaf and have tinnitus should eat more zinc-containing foods. There are many causes of deafness, among which zinc deficiency is one. Therefore, patients can eat more fish, beef, chicken liver, various seafood; walnuts, cabbage, radish and other foods high in zinc.

3. Drink more milk. Milk is rich in nutrients and easy to absorb. The minerals in milk are alkaline elements. It is an alkaline food and can regulate the acid-base balance of the human body. It also contains a variety of vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, B2, etc. The absorption and utilization of these vitamins and calcium are very helpful in preventing and improving blood circulation and deafness symptoms.

4. Diet therapy: Lean fungus soup: Lean pork, black fungus, ginger, appropriate amounts of each, add appropriate amount of water and stew together for consumption. It has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and qi, and also reduces blood viscosity. The effect is more suitable for patients with deafness and hyperlipidemia.

Patients’ proper intake of these substances in their diet will be very helpful in improving the phenomenon of deafness and tinnitus. Patients may wish to try it, especially in conjunction with dietary therapy, the effect will be better. Deafness and tinnitus will If it brings great harm to patients, it must be prevented and treated in time.

5 Things to Pay Attention to Deafness and Tinnitus

1. Patients with tinnitus and deafness should stop smoking and drinking as soon as possible. Too strong tea, coffee and some irritating foods.

2. Pay attention to more physical exercise in life, which can achieve a good blood circulation speed throughout the body, good metabolism, and some blood supply to the organs in the inner ear, thereby improving the function of the inner ear. degree of metabolism.

3. For patients with severe tinnitus and deafness, they need to use massage and health care to relieve the symptoms of severe tinnitus and deafness. Because there are many acupuncture points on the auricle, the massage technique of rubbing the front and back of the auricle with your hands can effectively alleviate the obvious symptoms of tinnitus and deafness.

4. Pay attention to controlling your emotions, because only by keeping your mood comfortable can you avoid inner ear congestion and tinnitus and deafness.

5. Eat more foods containing iron, zinc, and other trace elements in your diet. Because iron deficiency can easily cause red blood cells to become harder, their ability to transport oxygen will be somewhat reduced. Insufficient supply of nutrients to the ears will damage the function of auditory cells, leading to hearing loss. There is also iron supplementation, which can effectively prevent and delay the occurrence of tinnitus and deafness in middle-aged and elderly people.

The above-mentioned detailed introduction on how to care for tinnitus and deafness and what are the precautions for tinnitus and deafness are all to give patients a Clear reminder. I hope that the precautions and care methods mentioned in the above article can be of great help to patients who need help. No matter what kind of dissatisfaction there is in life, you must take good care of your body.

Another way to deal with tinnitus is habituation therapy. To put it bluntly, it is to use psychological intervention to prevent patients from focusing on the tinnitus all the time and try to divert their attention. Gradually get used to the tinnitus and conquer it. For patients with long-term tinnitus, this is currently a relatively reliable and cheap intervention method.

Treatment of tinnitus is a worldwide problem. There is no method that can effectively treat all or most tinnitus symptoms. To put it bluntly, most tinnitus cannot be cured. Therefore, for some long-term obvious tinnitus symptoms, don’t waste money on treatment. For new, less severe tinnitus. You can try the recipe I introduced earlier, boiled fennel with pig blood. At the same time, it is also necessary to eat properly, live a healthy life, avoid staying up late, and relieve psychological stress to relax physically and mentally.

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