Can otitis media cause deafness? Why?

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Otitis media, which is inflammation of the middle ear, is an inflammatory lesion involving all or part of the structure of the middle ear (including the Eustachian tube, tympanum, sinus tympanum and mastoid air cells). Most of them are non-specific tissue inflammation, especially in children. It can be divided into two categories: non-suppurative and purulent. Non-suppurative cases include secretory otitis media and barotrauma otitis media; purulent cases include acute and chronic otitis media, and rare specific inflammations such as tuberculous otitis media. Commonly seen are secretory otitis media, acute suppurative otitis media, cholesteatoma otitis media and barotrauma otitis media.

Can otitis media cause deafness? Why?
Otitis is a common pediatric facial disease. The most direct impact of this disease is on the baby's hearing. Therefore, once the baby develops otitis media, it must be treated in time, otherwise it will have extremely serious consequences for the baby's ear health. s consequence. Otitis media can cause deafness. Sudden onset of otitis media is often accompanied by colds and coughs. If it is a baby, it will cry incessantly, rub the ears frequently, vomit, or the ear canal may discharge pus, and there may even be hearing loss.

1. Repeated otitis media will increase the perforation of the tympanic membrane, cause adhesions and sclerosis in the middle ear, and further cause hearing loss. Improper use of medication can also cause a decrease in inner ear nerve function, leading to deafness.

2. Recurrent inflammation of the middle ear can lead to bone ulcer type or cholesteatoma type otitis media. When bones are eroded, it may lead to facial paralysis, meningitis, brain abscess and other cranial diseases. Internal and external complications may even be life-threatening.

3. Hearing loss and self-hearing enhancement. When the head is tilted forward or to the left, the hearing may be temporarily improved (displacement hearing improvement) because the fluid leaves the cochlea. When the effusion is thick, hearing may not change due to changes in head position.

4. If suppurative otitis media is not treated in time, the body will experience systemic poisoning reactions such as fever, sensitivity to cold, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., and earache will be particularly severe. If it is a child, it often causes the child to wake up from sleep with pain and cry uneasily. The pain will worsen when coughing, sneezing, or swallowing.

5. Otitis media can also lead to cancer and become middle ear cancer. The clinical symptoms of middle ear cancer include persistent earache, tinnitus, hearing loss, which may radiate to the face, temporal region or mastoid when severe, foul-smelling watery bloody secretions, and cauliflower-like new tissue in the ear. This is often because patients with otitis media who are complicated by cholesteatoma or mastoiditis do not receive timely treatment, which deteriorates into cancer over time. Therefore, patients must pay attention.

Otitis media should pay attention to:

1. Pay attention to rest and ensure sleep time.
2. Pay attention to indoor air circulation and keep the nasal cavity unobstructed.
3. Actively treat nasal diseases. Do not blow your nose with force and close both nostrils at the same time.Blow your nose on one side.
4. Let the water in the ears drain out after swimming. People suffering from chronic otitis media should not swim.

5. Actively prevent and treat colds.

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