What is the best food for people with otitis media?

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  • Source:Target Hearing Aids

The incidence of otitis media is increasing year by year. Many patients do not see improvement after treatment. The premise of this phenomenon is that the treatment method of otitis media patients is wrong, which is related to the diet. There is also a certain relationship. I believe everyone who suffers from otitis media knows how much impact this disease has on the patient's health and life. In addition to active treatment of otitis media, attention should also be paid to diet.

What is the best food for people with otitis media?
Foods suitable for otitis media:

Patients with otitis media should eat foods that are light, easy to chew, easy to digest, and rich in nutrients, such as rice porridge, steamed buns, sweet potatoes, dandelion porridge, milk, tofu, Watermelon, rice, noodles, yam, wild chrysanthemum porridge, soy milk, egg custard, mung bean sprouts, lean meat soup, etc. Patients with otitis media should supplement appropriate amounts of carotene and vitamin C, which can help fight viral infections, but not excessive amounts; eggplant is cool in nature and sweet in taste, can clear away heat and cool blood, reduce swelling and detoxify, and also contains a large amount of vitamin C, which has anti-infective effects .

Foods that are not suitable for otitis media:

1: Avoid fishy and meaty foods. Patients with otitis media should avoid eating chicken, fish, crab, sow meat, donkey meat, goose, shrimp, pig head meat, horse meat, mutton, leeks and other foods in their daily diet, because these foods can easily generate heat and turn into fire, which can expand inflammation.

2: Avoid spicy and irritating food. Patients with otitis media should avoid foods such as chili pepper, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, mustard, galangal, onions, and garlic, because these foods are warm, pungent, and dry, which can easily cause fire and damage yin, aggravating the symptoms of otitis media patients.

Three: Avoid salty or pickled foods. Common pickled foods include pickles, salted duck eggs, sauerkraut, bacon, etc. These foods can also easily turn into fire and generate heat, causing thirst and aggravating otitis media.
Four: Avoid hard and hard-to-bite foods. Hard and difficult-to-bite foods are mainly various nuts, such as peanuts, watermelon seeds, pistachios, etc. These foods are difficult to chew and can worsen otitis media pain.

Five: Avoid tobacco and alcohol. Patients with otitis media should also quit smoking and drinking, and eat more fresh vegetables with heat-clearing and anti-inflammatory effects, such as celery, loofah, eggplant, shepherd's purse, cucumber, etc.

Once you find that you have symptoms of otitis media, you should go to an ear hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time. During the illness, you should pay attention to dietary taboos. I am greedy for a while and eat something that patients with otitis media cannot eat. And in daily life, eat more light foods that can relieve anger.

Otitis media dietary prescription (for reference only)

1. Silver chrysanthemum tea

Composition: 10 grams of silver flower , chrysanthemum 10 grams. Usage: Brew with boiling water instead of tea.

Efficacy: clearing away heat and detoxifying.

Indications: Purulent middle earInflammation is a type characterized by excess fire in the liver and gallbladder and external invasion of evil heat. The onset is rapid, with pain in the ears, tinnitus, hearing impairment, swelling and stuffiness in the ears, accompanied by aversion to cold, fever, headache, and nasal congestion and runny nose.

What foods are good for otitis media? What foods are good for otitis media? What are the dietary treatments for otitis media

2. Cabbage, mint and reed root soup

Composition: Chinese cabbage root 3 to 4 pieces, 10 grams of reed root and 3 grams of mint.

Usage: Boil the three flavors in water for 15 to 30 minutes, take it in 2 portions while hot.

Efficacy: It is pungent and cool, dispersing wind and clearing away heat.

Indications: Suppurative otitis media, a type characterized by excess liver and gallbladder fire and external invasion of evil heat, with sudden onset, ear pain, tinnitus, aversion to cold and fever, headache, bitter mouth and dry throat, yellow and red urine, Constipation.

3. Sparrow Meat Pie

Composition: 5 sparrows, 200 grams of lean pork, appropriate amount of rice wine and cornstarch.

Usage: Chop sparrow meat and pork into a puree, add rice wine and cornstarch and mix well, make a round cake, steam it over rice and eat it.

Efficacy: Replenishing kidney and nourishing energy.

Indications: Suppurative otitis media, which is a type of nephron deficiency and evil toxin cessation. Pus discharges from the ear, the mouth does not heal for a long time, the amount is not very large, or it is dirty or lumpy, and has a smell. Taste, hearing loss is more obvious.

4. Pigeon meat and fungus soup

Composition: 1 meat pigeon (about 500 grams), 100 grams of black fungus.

Usage: Slaughter the pigeons and remove the internal organs, add water to blacken the fungus, stew in soup until crispy, season and serve with meals.

Efficacy: Replenishing kidney and nourishing energy.

Indications: Suppurative otitis media, which is a type of nephron deficiency and accumulation of evil toxins. Pus discharges from the ear and does not heal for a long time. The amount is not very large, or it is dirty or lumpy. Dizziness, fatigue, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, and spermatorrhea.

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