What is sudden tinnitus?

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  • Source:Target Hearing Aids

The onset of tinnitus is very sudden, usually within a few hours to a day or two, and a few people are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. As long as stress tinnitus is discovered and treated early, it can be cured or mostly recovered in a short period of time. So when you encounter something you don't like, you should be good at controlling your emotions, stay calm, and don't be overly emotional.

What is the cause of sudden tinnitus?
Sudden tinnitus is called sudden tinnitus in medical terms. As the name suggests, it refers to the sudden onset of tinnitus or hearing loss. It can generally occur in different age groups, and is more common in middle-aged people. Currently, there is a trend of younger people. The number of sick white-collar workers is increasing. When sudden tinnitus occurs, you should first adjust your mentality, don't be too nervous, go to the hospital for examination in time and cooperate with the doctor for treatment, use other hobbies to distract yourself from the tinnitus, adjust your life rhythm, and cultivate more points of interest.

What to do if you have sudden tinnitus

Although sudden tinnitus has a certain self-healing rate, you should not wait passively and must treat it carefully. Hospitalization for otological emergencies. After hospitalization, a comprehensive hearing examination, otoneurological examination and related medical examination should be carried out. Sudden tinnitus emphasizes early treatment. If the duration of the disease exceeds 2 weeks, the treatment effect will be poor. It is more effective to choose a targeted treatment for hyperphonia based on ascertaining the cause of the disease as much as possible.

For patients with sudden tinnitus, if the hearing loss is not obvious and the symptoms are relatively mild, they can be treated at home with the doctor’s consent after examination; if the symptoms are significant, the deafness is severe, and even accompanied by Those with dizziness need to be hospitalized as soon as possible.

While medications cannot cure tinnitus, they can help reduce the severity of tinnitus symptoms in some cases. Medications that can help with tinnitus include tricyclic antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, which can make people relax and feel less anxious despite the discomfort of tinnitus.

1. Western medicine treatment: intravenous administration combined with intramuscular injection is often used. Vasodilators can also be added to glucose solution for intravenous drip, and vitamin B1 and B2 intramuscular injection can also be used. Or it can be combined with traditional Chinese medicine injections, such as ligustrazine, compound salvia miltiorrhiza injection, angelica injection, etc., for infusion.

2. Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sudden deafness is mostly caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. The ear meridians are blocked by blood stasis, and the clear yang qi cannot reach the ear orifice, which affects the normal physiological functions of the ear. decreases, resulting in symptoms such as tinnitus and deafness.

I don’t care about the sudden tinnitus, thinking that I am not hurt at all and that I am not ill. It just happened suddenly and I will suddenly get better over time. This is a very wrong understanding.

Find out the cause and choose the right treatment. Sudden tinnitus is one of the most serious otolaryngological emergencies. The cause is complex and there is currently no recognized specific drug.However, many cases of sudden tinnitus can still be cured. Active treatment is very important. The earlier and more timely the treatment is, the best. If treatment is started within one week of onset, more than 8% of patients can be cured or partially recovered; if the disease lasts for more than 7 days, the treatment effect is poor. Those whose disease lasts for more than one month should not give up treatment because the lesions may still be recovering. During the treatment of sudden tinnitus, audiometric tests should be performed regularly [1].

Although sudden tinnitus has a certain self-healing rate, it should not be waited passively and must be treated as an otological emergency and hospitalized. After hospitalization, a comprehensive hearing examination, otoneurological examination and related medical examination should be carried out. It is more effective to choose a highly targeted treatment based on ascertaining the cause of the disease as much as possible. For patients with sudden tinnitus, if the hearing loss is not obvious and the symptoms are relatively mild, they can be treated at home after a doctor's examination and with the doctor's consent; if the symptoms are significant, the deafness is severe, or even accompanied by vertigo, they need to be hospitalized as soon as possible. .

Daily maintenance

First of all, you should adjust your mentality, don’t pay too much attention to tinnitus, don’t be overly nervous, and receive timely diagnosis and treatment from a doctor. Actively cooperate with the treatment during the diagnosis and treatment process, and actively use other hobbies to distract yourself from tinnitus, adjust your life rhythm, and cultivate more points of interest. Secondly, avoid staying in a noisy environment for a long time or being exposed to too much noise, avoid or use ototoxic drugs with caution, smoke less, drink less, have a regular life, and not sleep for too long (7 to 8 hours for young and middle-aged people, 7 to 8 hours for the elderly) A person can sleep for 6 hours). Finally, since the onset of tinnitus is slow and the course of the disease occurs in a very short period of time, treatment generally takes a longer time. Therefore, patients must be persistent in cooperating with the treatment process and not give up easily.

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