How to guide hearing-impaired children to adapt to the listening environment?

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Hearing-impaired children are prone to personality traits such as willfulness, dependence, low self-esteem, and introversion due to their hearing loss, doting family, and narrow social interactions. In the process of rehabilitation education, if parents can help their children overcome behavioral, physical and mental obstacles with a positive attitude, and establish a good parent-child relationship with their children, their comprehensive recovery will be promoted.

How to guide hearing-impaired children to adapt to the listening environment?
1. Develop the habit of listening
First, train them to feel the presence and absence of sounds. You can guide them to play games with or without sounds.

2. Learn to identify sounds

It is to let hearing-impaired children know that different items can make different sounds.

3. Practice auditory cognition
Especially the cognitive training of speech sounds should be combined with the language hearing threshold, auditory comfort threshold, and speech receptive ability of hearing-impaired children As well as the auditory dynamic range, it should start from words that are easy to distinguish and gradually transition to words and sentences that are not easy to distinguish.

4. Auditory memory practice
This kind of practice allows hearing-impaired children to not only remember what they heard at the time, but also to confirm it again after a certain delay, solving the problem of their "learning difficulties". "Slow and forget quickly" problem.

5. Auditory comprehension training
When training their understanding of language, it is necessary to transition from relying on situations to natural scenes, and strive to allow them to understand through their own analysis in a general environment The content of language or conversation.
When instructing hearing-impaired children to carry out auditory rehabilitation training, attention must be paid to common activities with hearing children. On the one hand, this can improve their ability to adapt to mainstream society, and on the other hand, it can also promote auditory development and language development.

So how to cultivate the listening ability of hearing-impaired children?

We elaborate on this issue from two aspects: one is the process of training and establishment, that is, what to do first and what to do later; the second is the operation mode of cultivation and establishment.

1. Cultivation and establishment procedures: The same as the four stages of auditory development, divided into 4 progressive levels. The first stage is sound detection, that is, children can perceive the existence of sounds, which is the most basic hearing level; the second stage, sound discrimination, is that children determine whether the sounds they hear are the same or different, and thus have a basic hearing level. ; The third stage, sound recognition, is an auditory level at which children can identify auditory stimuli and vocal objects; the fourth stage, sound understanding, is that children can understand the meaning of language through hearing, which is a higher auditory level .

2. Contents of training and establishment: The cultivation and establishment of hearing ability of hearing-impaired children and the mastery of listening skills are directly related to the final effect of hearing and language rehabilitation of hearing-impaired children. , therefore, the rehabilitation of hearing ability of hearing-impaired children is aA very difficult job. The specific content can be broken down as follows according to the four basic levels of listening ability development:

1. Sound detection stage, which includes: A. The establishment of conditioned responses to auditory games; B. The establishment of spontaneous alert responses. ;C Perception of natural environmental sounds and music.
Implementation method: A uses a drum (or sound toy) to make sounds to stimulate, let the child judge whether there is a sound, and hear a raise of hands or clap; B suddenly give a strong sound stimulus (can be a speech sound) to attract attention ;

2. Sound identification stage, the content of which is: distinguishing the duration, loudness and pitch of sounds.
Implementation method: A. Distinguish the length of sounds, requiring children to pronounce sounds continuously, draw long lines when making long sounds, and draw short lines when making short sounds; B. Various musical instruments or sound-producing objects make sounds. When the sound is loud, the child will clap hard. When the sound is small, the child will clap hard. , just clap your hands gently; C can use sound-producing objects to emit sounds of different frequencies to the children, and ask them to hear low-pitched sounds like cows and high-pitched sounds like ducks. You can also let your children imitate the sounds they hear directly.

3. The sound recognition stage, which includes: A. Discrimination of suprasegmental characteristics of speech; B. Discrimination of different words; C. Discrimination of the same syllables but different consonant and vowel information; D. Discrimination of pronunciation modes, methods and parts; E recognition of key components in phrases; F language recognition under conditions of noise and distance changes.
Implementation method: A. Listen to the phonemes, first listen to the vowels, and then listen to the consonants. Phoneme listening and speaking training should be carried out on the basis that the child has certain words and learns and masters the pronunciation of phonemes. The practice of speaking B syllables is the focus of phonetic listening and speaking training, and there are many ways to practice it. For example, if you listen to and argue wa and ba, you should first teach your children to practice with visual aids, and then completely rely on hearing to argue the sounds. I heard wa take wa's card. I heard ba take ba's card and so on.

4. The sound understanding stage, which includes: A. Understanding of daily phrases or idioms; B. Understanding of continuous language; C. Understanding of sequential relationships in short stories; D. Understanding in a noisy environment Conversation; E understanding of onomatopoeic or abstract language.
Implementation method: A. The training of sentence listening and defense mainly adopts the training method of following instructions. These trainings should be carried out every day, gradually expanding sentences, and running through formal and informal teaching. B Dialogue training should be carried out throughout children's lives and teaching activities. That is, guiding children to have conversations with each other through expressions and games. The conversation should be about what the child is willing to hear and say, and the child's life experience and ability to answer should be taken into consideration, and the level of training should be gradually improved. C. To tell a story, it is best to use pictures and incorporate actions and expressions when necessary. The language used in telling stories should be mostly familiar to children, the content of the story should be short, and the plot should attract children. Once the plot of the story attracts children, the effect of speech and hearing training can be guaranteed.

Here we emphasize again that auditory training and language training must be integrated organically for hearing-impaired children from the beginning of rehabilitation.Combined.

Hearing and listening are two fundamentally different concepts. Hearing is a physiological process, and listening is more of a psychological process. Its development goes through four consecutive stages: auditory perception, auditory discrimination, auditory identification, and auditory understanding. These four stages are interconnected and interdependent, starting from the lower level. Toward advanced levels, from simple to complex, in a spiral. In fact, it is a step-by-step process of repeatedly recognizing, identifying, and memorizing sounds, and finally forming an auditory concept. Appropriate hearing compensation and hearing reconstruction are the prerequisites for rehabilitation training, which means that effective rehabilitation training can only be carried out after fitting a suitable hearing aid or cochlear implant.

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